The new branch of Bubbles Spa Saloon of pop singer Smita at Vikrampuri, Kharkana, Secunderabad has been inaugurated today by actress Anushka. She congratulated Smita for lending the superior services to beauty and health conscious people. State Civil Supplies Minister Krishna Reddy, E-Zone Securities Proprietor Sashank, actors Subbaraju and Chalasani Remesh also graced the occasion and gave their wishes to Smita.

Bubbles Spa Saloon has successfully completed its decade long service to the beauty care industry. Hence the new branch has been launched in the wake of it. The Saloon offers ample services like hair styles, facials, bridal packages, manicures & pedicures, makeup applications, massages, skin treatments, complete body treatment, hair removal and many more. It also has a branch in Vijayawada. According to Smita, she is wanted to extend the superior services nationwide, hence plans are to make the Bubbles a major saloon chain in India.